The Orchid's Curse - Secure The Insecure

You will lay in the bed you've made, Make it Stop.
-This is the way you choose your Path

Walls and Fences, go up around
Guns for defences, is what they've found No comfort in this cold metal casing No easy solution for what we are facing.
-This Time Again.....

This bitter conflict, has no victors, the spoils are left, are left to the land.
Recycle the lies, that brought us to this point. Hatred Grows...

-When the fear is the motivator, you must Secure.

All this time gone by, You will lay in the grave you've made Wasted time goodbye, You will lay in the grave you've made -This Time Again.....

Conflict Centuries old, grown from their lies, it's your Fallacy But it's all our lives...

-When the fear is the motivator, you must Secure.
-When the lies take your hand, you pull the Trigger.

Give me a Fucking gun, I'll end this conflict What's the point... In peaceful resolution.
How many must die? How many must die?